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PAFI - Centro de integração social Pasquale Fioretti

PAFI is a small ray of hope for the community of Burietá

The Centro PAFI Association is a non-profit and volunteer organization based in Uster, Switzerland, and serves as the supporting association for the organization of the same name in Brazil.


The main focus of this aid organization, located in Burietá in the state of Bahia, includes a school with around 200 children aged 4 to 10 years, financially supported from Switzerland and Italy. Additionally, there is a nursing home with over 20 needy, primarily elderly persons, which sustains itself through the pensions and support funds provided by its residents.


The Centro de Integração Social Pasquale Fioretti was established approximately 25 years ago through a close collaboration between Pasquale Fioretti, who lends his name to the project, and Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza, who leads the project on-site with the help of many dedicated employees.

Foto einer Gruppe winkender Kinder

PAFI school

Over 200 students from humble backgrounds have the opportunity to attend daycare, kindergarten, and elementary school starting at the age of 4, thus building a solid foundation for their future.


In recent years, thanks to the contributions of many donors and the dedicated efforts of those involved on-site, the activities have been continually expanded.


A relatively large number of children with various disabilities are also integrated into the regular classes.

Ein Schulmädchen bei beim Lösen von Aufgaben
Junge beim Mittagessen
Zwei Schulkinder beim Ausmalen
Schulkinder bei einer Gruppenarbeit
Schulkinder während der Pause
Lar São José - age & nursing home

The nursing home accommodates approximately 20 elderly individuals at a very high standard, especially by Brazilian standards. The residents come from partly dire circumstances, but they have the opportunity to age with dignity in a well-maintained environment, thanks to expert care.


The retirement home is primarily self-funded through the pensions of its residents but has no financial reserves.

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Alte Frau
Alter Mann
Lar 30_edited_edited.png

To complete the covered sports field for our school in Brazil, we are looking for donors who would be willing to make a one-off donation. The central part of the construction is complete.


Further information


Documentation video about the construction


Current state of construction

Gesamtansicht des projektierten Sport- und Pausenplatzes
Sportplatz 2023_edited.jpg
Eine Pädagogische Mitarbeiterin mit einer Gruppe von Kindern


Burietá is a small village based on a main road about 200 km south of Salvador, the capital of the state of Bahia in Brazil.


Around 1000 people, many without formal education, live here in modest circumstances and make ends meet with casual jobs.


Large factories or commercial centers are more than 80 km away. Unemployment is high. The local small business lives from day-to-day trade.


Young men and youngsters sell bananas on the main street under deplorable circumstances to support their families or move to the country's big cities where they hope for a better life.

Karte von Brasilien mit Lageangabe Burieta
Schulkinder während der Pause
Ein Gruppe von Männern verkauft auf der Hauptstrasse Bananen
Dorfkern von Burieta
Lehmhaus am Rande des Dorfes

A long-term cooperation

About 30 years ago, during one of his many trips to Brazil, pastor and missionary Pasquale Fioretti met the catechist and teacher Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza, who was teaching two classes in improvised premises under rather precarious conditions in order to enable the poorest of the poor to receive a minimal school education.


Together, they built a community center with donations from Italy and Switzerland, and created a sponsorship program through which the school could be expanded. The main milestone was the construction of a school with several classrooms, which was further expanded a few years ago. Other projects followed.

Pastor and missionary Pasquale Fioretti started a sponsorship program more than 25 years ago.

Teacher and catechist Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza has always had a heart for the poorest and leads the project on site.

Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza
Pasquale Fioretti
Gallery Burieta 4_edited.jpg


1999     First contacts and Start of cooperation

2000     Completion of the community center and start of the school with 2 classes

2002     Construction of the school building with 6 classrooms

2005     Founding of the Centro PAFI association in Switzerland

2007     Construction of the guest house to accommodate visitors

2008     Acquisition of the tabor with the aim of creating a source of income

2010     Opening of the retirement home

2015     Extension of the school to 12 classrooms after the sale of the tabor

2022     Construction of the sports and recreation area for the school

Schulkinder aus der Anfangszeit des Projektes
Werte der Schule

Responsible person in Brasil:

Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza

Telefone: +55 73 8217 6331


Bank account for donations in Brasil:

PAFI - Centro de integração Social Pasquale Fioretti

CNPJ: 05.425.951/0001-26

Rua Jiácomo Really s/n, Povoado de Burietá

45465-000 Teolândia - Bahia - Brasil


Banco do Brasil

Agência: 2783-9

Conta corrente: 8760-2


Information on the use of donations


tax exemption

Associazione Centro PAFI has been exempt from tax liability since 2006 as an association with a non-profit purpose by the Cantonal Tax Office of the Canton of Zurich based on § 61 lit. f TaxG and Art. 56 lit g DBG.

Responsible person in Switzerland:

Alessandro Fuso

Telefone: +41 (0)77 431 14 94


Bank account for donations in Switzerland:

Associazione Centro PA.FI.

Rütiweg 9

8610 Uster



Poststrasse 10

8610 Uster
IBAN: CH50 0020 2202 6381 26M1B


Brief portraits of the main people responsible


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